Tis the Season | Summit Executive Suites

Tis The Season…

The 2020 winter holiday season will be very different than any other year we’ve experienced. The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to rage on and the health experts are discouraging large gatherings – the thing many of us love most about the holidays!

Family gatherings, office and neighborhood parties, school activities, as well as other holiday social activities are being carefully considered to scale back or eliminate entirely. Initially, these considerations may leave you feeling sad or depressed about all the things you’ll miss this year but, let’s be honest…how often do the hustle and bustle of the holiday activities leave you feeling stressed, exhausted and dreading January when the holiday bills begin to arrive? How many years have you wished for holidays that were more meaningful, enjoyable and less hectic?

three ornaments hanging from a tree.

As you begin planning for the “new normal” of celebrating, here are some ideas to consider:

  • Keep a check on your thoughts and attitudes. Remind yourself to be positive about all the things you can do. Remember that this is just one year and hopefully next year you can return to your “normal” celebrations. Keep your mind open to making new traditions. Being forced to switch things up may actually lead you to some new cherished traditions!
  • Continue your most cherished traditions in new ways. If being with friends and family for holiday activities is important to you – continue it via Zoom! You can decorate together, light the Menorah candles, unwrap presents, even bake together through a Zoom meeting!
  • Take time to consider the things you won’t miss: that annoying relative that asks nosy questions at family gatherings, the sibling who seems to enjoy pushing your buttons, and the list goes on…
  • Embrace the holidays as a season of giving. Consider ways to give by volunteering your time as well as traditional gift-giving and charitable donations. When we help those who are less fortunate, give gifts to those we love or express our gratitude to those who have helped us through the year, the Holiday Spirit is made alive and lifts our spirit – even during a pandemic!

At Summit Executive Suites we will celebrate the holidays by being thankful for our clients, their health, and their fortitude during 2020. Come in for a tour and experience the feeling of unity and community that prevails in this unique and lovely office suite.

a Christmas tree that says Joy, Love, Peace.

Focus on Growth, We’ll Handle the Rest!