Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Summit Executive Suites Administrative Assistant Paula Aroh is the perfect example to proving truth in that statement. Paula’s been with Summit Executive Suites for two and half years now and recently squeezed some time into her busy schedule to answer some questions on what it is that she does at Summit Executive Suites and what makes her workplace so enjoyable.
1) As the Administrative Assistant, how do you help clients?
“As the Administrative Assistant(s), Irene and I help our clients in a variety of ways. We handle all the front desk responsibilities such as: phone answering, giving tours, notary service, handling postage, making coffee & iced tea, scheduling conference room time & preparing the rooms for the meetings (i.e. setting up the Wi-Fi, webinars or lunch meetings), setting up the phone systems and handling any technical difficulties that may arise. We also perform a variety of administrative duties for individual clients as requested such as: word processing, scanning, ordering supplies, filing and research etc. for a very nominal fee. We both pride ourselves in making sure our clients get what they need as quickly as possible. If we don’t have it, we’ll make every effort to get it. No request is ever ignored.”
2) Many current clients really compliment Summit’s customer service and professional team, why do you think that is? What makes Summit unique?
“When a client leases our offices they’re getting much more than just a space. They’re getting a comfortable, work area to grow their business. From the moment they walk through the front door, the feel is different. Our front office, our dress and our behavior are always at a professional level. We greet them and their clients as if this is one complete company. The clients walk around talking to the other clients, they make their lunches in the kitchen using real dishes or get a cup of coffee already made for them, and drop off their mail to be addressed and mailed by us at the front desk. It feels more like one large office instead of individual spaces. They never feel like they’re stuck in their individual offices. That feeling carries over to their clients as well. We treat each of their clients as if they are part of “our” company. Even the virtual clients receive the same respect. Their clients don’t even realize that there is no physical office when they call or come in to meet in the conference rooms.”
“What makes us unique is that we really care about our clients. Many have been with us so long that they are more like family. We make sure that even the brand new clients feel that way very soon after they move in. We’re not just the administrative team for Summit Executive Suites, we’re the administrative team for every client. Our slogan, “Focus on Growth, We’ll Handle the Rest” is very personal to us. We want each of our clients’ businesses to succeed, so we are happy to help them with their individual needs. They are very appreciative of our individual attention.”
3) Your suites offer a lot of unique features such as original artwork from local artists, contemporary style and furnishings, and beautiful scenic views. What is your favorite feature and why?
“I love it all, but I guess my favorite feature is the artwork! It is such a pleasure to come to work each day. The “Feng Shui” feeling of the office along with the beautiful artwork makes the area stress free! I’ve been here almost three years and I’m still finding subtle, unique nuances in each of the pieces.”
4) The East End is a great location in Louisville, though out-of-town prospects may not be familiar with that area. What makes the East End more desirable to work in compared to Downtown Louisville?
“There is a certain energy that the downtown area evokes, but I don’t think it outweighs the more positive aspects of the East End. The East End is so easy to get to without the hassle of spaghetti junction and the road construction. Parking is always free as opposed to the high cost and difficulty of downtown parking. Even Saturday parking is no longer free! Summit Executive Suites is conveniently located near Watterson Expressway, Interstate 71, Hwy 42 and in the center of St. Matthews.”
“Many of our clients live on the East End and so do their clients, so it’s more convenient to have their offices in this area. They literally can get to work in less than 10 minutes no matter which way they’re coming from. It’s just way less stressful than going downtown. The flowers and green space are prettier too. Many of our clients comment on how beautiful the landscaping is as well.”
It’s clear to see that Summit Executive Suites is not only a great place to work for, but a great place to have an office at as well. To find out more about the unique office space that Summit Executive Suites has to offer, schedule a visit today or check them out on Facebook!