CPAs and Executive Suites-The Perfect Merger - Summit Executive Suites

CPAs and Executive Suites-The Perfect Merger

Many professional CPAs simply do not need a full time office.  Their busy time is the January to April tax season and again in September when working on the extension returns.  So, unless you’re working for a large firm, all that office space and rent is essentially wasted.   A comfortable, professional conference room and a professional front desk office staff who know your clients can meet all your professional needs as well.  Here are some reasons why a virtual office in an executive suite group may be a better fit for the independent CPA:


Image – A business identity is important to your company’s name recognition and its image.  This can be created through a virtual office with both directory and phone answering services.  The perception of an established business is very important when potential clients are determining whether to trust your business with their account. Having a virtual lease allows for both the image and convenience of having mail, phone and meeting room without the cost of a full service office.


Flexibility  Since a conference room is only needed when meeting with clients, scheduling a conference room is easy and much more economical than a full office since the conference room time is charged by the hours used.  Most executive suites require a minimum of a mailbox lease in order to be able to use the conference rooms.    Current clients will be happy to meet at a scheduled time and rarely just “drop in”.  If they do, the front desk still presents your company as any other office, physical or virtual, and most clients are unaware of the difference.  Clients are free to drop off, pick-up or sign their returns and files at the front desk even if you are not there allowing for even more flexibility.  


Cost Effective – Since most executive suite leases include most set up costs, it makes this option much more cost effective when considering all the individual costs that a standard office lease does not.  That’s why virtual leases in executive suites are a perfect long-term option for any individual CPA, not only to expand a business but also when closing one.  When the lease ends there’s no furniture to move, phone and data systems to shut down or try to sell, no administrative employees to let go, it’s just clean and easy…done.


Additional Personnel – Most executive suites also offer administrative services at nominal fees making it unnecessary to hire additional personnel. Most administrative work can be handled by the administrative staff in a quick and efficient manner, usually within a twenty-four hour turnaround time. Many services are billed on the quarter hour since they take less than an hour to complete. This is a huge cost savings since it eliminates the need for payroll.  Examples of other time and cost saving services include: postage, scanning, notary, bookkeeping, mail merge and word processing. These services are as unique as the needs of the client.  


At Summit Executive Suites, we pride ourselves on being attentive to both our physical and virtual clients’ needs.  No matter what the request, we make sure that all our clients’ professional services are met in a timely and efficient manner.  Come in for a tour and we’ll be happy to show you how we can tailor your CPA services to work in the suites.

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